A: MillPay is California’s online Mill Assessment, pesticide sales reporting, and payments system. MillPay is operated by the Mill Office within the Department of Pesticide Regulation under California’s Environmental Protection Agency.
A: The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) has taken several steps to safeguard the integrity of our telecommunications and computing infrastructure, including but not limited to, Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption of our communications on the internet and the use of a multi-tier architecture.
Your self-selected username, password, and any information you send through MillPay Online are encrypted. Encryption is an electronic process that protects your information from being intercepted by a third party as it moves from your computer to DPR’s systems on the internet.
To prevent other users from guessing your username and password, your account will be locked after three failed attempts to sign in.
Your credit card or bank information is not stored by MillPay Online. Your payments will be processed directly through a trusted third party vendor.
DPR employs username and password authentication, the use of screen “timeouts”, secure https protocol between browsers and web servers for secure web browsing.
Additionally, firewalls have been placed between users and DPR servers as well as between DPR servers and the systems where data are hosted to control incoming and outgoing communications on our network. DPR’s network and systems are regularly scanned and patched for security vulnerabilities, intrusion detection, and viruses.
A: For best results, we recommend using one of the Web browsers:
A: Mill Reports should be submitted within 30 days after the end of each quarter. Quarter end dates are March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31. A Report is not considered complete until both a pesticide sales report and payment are submitted.
FAC section 12843 states “The payments required by this article, together with a return in a form prescribed by the director, shall be made quarterly one calendar month after March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31 of each year. For any delinquency in making a return, or any deficiency in payment, the director shall add to the delinquent payment a penalty of 10 percent of the amount that is due.”
A: Yes.
A: If you are a new user to the MillPay online system, your company must first submit a MillPay authorization letter to DPR, on company letterhead,
designating up to three authorized users for your company containing the following information:
I [person’s name] certify that I have authority to authorize and maintain MillPay user accounts for [company name]. I am authorizing the individual(s)
listed below for [company name] to report pesticide sales and pay Mill Assessment fees using the online reporting system, MillPay. I understand that it
is my responsibility to maintain current and accurate authorized MillPay user information with DPR.
A separate authorization letter must be submitted for each firm or license number.
Once the authorization letter has been submitted, you may register to use the system.
Registration Instructions:
Go to https://appsnet.cdpr.ca.gov/millpay, and select the "register here" link to register with MillPay.
Enter your reporter type, your company firm or license number, company mailing address and contact information, an email address that can be used to contact you, a username, and whether you prefer to receive Mill Assessment notices via email or reports via postal mail (hardcopy). A notice will be sent to DPR’s Mill Office indicating that you wish Mill Staff to verify your access to MillPay and issue permission to access MillPay on behalf of the company you represent. Once permission to MillPay is granted, you will receive a temporary password by email. When using the temporary password, you may manually type or copy and paste it into the password prompt box. When copying the temporary password, make sure no spaces are copied after the alpha numeric temporary password.
After you login for the first time using the temporary password, you should change the password for that company’s login (must meet the criteria listed below). Once a user id and new password have been created and approved, you are ready to use the online system. If you are a Designated Agent representing several companies or your company files multiple reports, you will need a separate and unique login for each license/firm number you represent.
A: After you have registered to use the system, begin by logging in, which will take you to your company’s personalized homepage. If you represent more than one company, you will need to logout of one MillPay account in order to login to another. On your company’s personalized homepage, you will find your current contact information, company name and a unique DPR issued license (firm, broker or dealer) number. In addition to this information you will find a notifications section with DPR announcements and notifications as well as an Actions section with status updates and actions of your MillPay account. Below this you will find an Assessments tab with an Assessments table and a Report tab. If you are ready to begin working on the latest quarterly Mill Report, simply open on the report you want to work on in the Assessments table and the report will open.
A: Yes, but only authorized users designated on a company’s Authorized User letter will be approved for a MillPay account.
A: Contact DPR’s Registration Branch for a firm number to register Mill Assessable pesticide products or contact DPR’s Licensing Branch to be issued a Broker or Dealer license.
A: The username is not case sensitive. The password is case sensitive, must be 8 characters in length and is required for all active accounts. The username and password cannot be the same. In addition, the password must meet 3 of the following complexity requirements:
A: You must contact Mill staff if you forgot your username. The Mill Office can be reached by phone at (916) 445-4159 or by email at millpay@cdpr.ca.gov.
A: Navigate to the password reset page. Call or email the Mill Office directly if you experience any issues. the Mill Office can be reached by phone at (916) 445-4159 or by email at millpay@cdpr.ca.gov.
A: You can access MillPay after you complete the registration process and are approved by MillPay staff.
A: Three. After three failed logins, a security measure is triggered and you will be locked out of your account. If you are locked out of your account, contact Mill staff at (916) 445-4159 or by email at millpay@cdpr.ca.gov to have your account unlocked.
A: After 20 minutes of inactivity, MillPay will automatically log you out of the system for security reasons.
A: Once an application is submitted, no changes can be made online to your contact information. Please contact Mill staff directly at (916) 445-4159 or by email at millpay@cdpr.ca.gov to make changes.
A: Yes, you are responsible for reporting all sales each quarter of your registered pesticide products, including zero sales. Complete the Mill Assessment Report by either using the zero sales button or by showing no sales were made for the quarter entering “0” in the required blanks. Then, sign and submit the report by the due date.
A: Yes, you can view some of your previously submitted reports, dating back to 2014. Not all previously submitted data that was converted from the old system will be available to view.
A: Using the Mill Data Uploader, go to the upload data tab and follow the instructions on that page. First, create a tab-delimited text file that follows this format. For an example of how to create a tab-delimited text file using Microsoft Excel, please follow these instructions. A sample file can also be downloaded for help. Then, select your file from your computer and upload that file. MillPay puts each file in a queue in the order it was received. MillPay will send you an email confirming it received your file. MillPay then scans your file and verifies the sales data. When MillPay completes this task, you will be sent a second email notifying you of your file’s approval or rejection based on MillPay’s requirements. Your file will be processed and the data will be propagated into your online report. Once your data file has been uploaded through the “MillPay Data Uploader”, check your imported sales data, add additional pesticide products, if necessary, and complete your report by signing, validating and committing it. Finally, you will be directed to your payment options. A report is not considered complete until both a pesticide sales report and payment are received.
A: The Mill Office uses the following words to define the status of your reports.
A: A Designated Agent is authorized by a company to manage that company’s account including processing renewals, filing reports, making payments and managing license information.
A: Go to DPR's Website at http://www.cdpr.ca.gov/. On this page you can "Look up pesticide products" by Product name, Registration code, Single chemical code, Single site code, or Multiple Variables.
You can also download a list of California's registered pesticide products as a ZIP file under the “Lists” heading at the bottom of the Product/Label Database page. The ZIP file lists approximately 12,000 pesticide products registered in California, along with their registration number. The file can be inserted into a spreadsheet or database. (Instructions on how to break the list into database fields are also posted online.) The list is updated every business day, but does have limitations and does not include pesticide products with expired registrations.
A: An additional 0.75 mill ($0.00075) assessment per dollar of sales is collected by DPR pursuant to Food and Agricultural Code (FAC) section 12841.1(a) “which requires an additional assessment be collected on sales of all pesticide products, except those labeled solely for home, industrial, or institutional use. Therefore, a pesticide label that contains any "agricultural use" sites and applications will be subject to the additional mill assessment.”
Agricultural use pesticide products are labeled for the production of an agricultural commodity. An agricultural commodity, as defined in Title 3 California Code of Regulations (CCR) section 6000, "means an unprocessed product of farms, ranches, nurseries, and forests (except livestock, poultry and fish). Also, expressing the application rate in pounds/gallons per acre on the label is an indication the pesticide is for agricultural use.”
A: In the Assessment tab, select the icon for:
A: Adobe’s PDF file format is the industry standard for sharing electronic files. Follow this link to get the free Adobe Acrobat reader software from the manufacturer.
A: The report can be viewed by selecting the "View PDF Summary Report" option on the Summary Report page or can be viewed by the "Select" button for the "Payment Receipts" activity on the Quick Start Menu. Once the report is displayed on the screen, select the Print option to print a copy.
The Mill Office strongly recommends that you keep 4 years of Mill reports on file.
FAC section 12842 says “Every person who sells for use in this state any pesticide products that have been registered by the director shall maintain in this state, or with the director's permission at another location, an accurate record of all transactions subject to assessment for four years. The records are subject to audit by the director and shall clearly demonstrate proof of payment of all applicable assessments for each registered pesticide product sold for use in this state.
A: From your homepage and using the Assessments tab, select the appropriate report form icon for Amendments. Print and correct an amended Mill Report and mail it to DPR.
There are 4 report form icons available to you:
A: Visa, MasterCard, and Discover are the only credit cards accepted.
A: Yes, a service fee of 2.3% of the transaction amount will be charged by the credit card processing vendor. The service fee is retained by the vendor, is nonrefundable, and is not revenue of the Department of Pesticide Regulation.
A: After completing and submitting your Mill Report online, you will then be redirected to the payment options page. MillPay uses third party vendors for its online payments.
The payment options page is set up to allow you to easily choose your payment option and following the on-screen directions as it quickly redirects you to the appropriate payment site. Remember to write down your Mill Assessment Invoice Number (CINYYYY-XXXXX) that MillPay provides after you submit your report as well as the total amount due. You will need these to complete your payment transaction.
For Electronic Funds transfer (EFT) follow the on-screen directions and you will be redirected to the appropriate payment site where you can provide your company’s banking information to make an EFT payment.
When paying by Credit Card, simply follow the on-screen directions and you will be redirected to the appropriate payment site where you make your payment.
A: No, but you can complete your Mill Report, submit it online and mail a check to DPR. Just remember that your Mill Assessment Report will not be considered completed until the payment is received. To send a check by mail you will need to:
Print the Payment Options Page (which should include your company name, license/firm number, and total amount due) or first page of the (P) Products Mill Assessment Report (after inputting and saving your company information, license/firm number and total sales amount) and mail along with a check payable to "Cashier, Department of Pesticide Regulation". Find the form icon on your home page in the bottom table. Be sure to include your DPR license/firm number in the Memo line on the check and mail to:
Cashier, Department of Pesticide Regulation
P.O. Box 4015, Mail Stop 4A
Sacramento, CA 95812-4015
Or for Certified Mail:
Cashier, Department of Pesticide Regulation
1001 I Street, Mail Stop 4A
Sacramento, CA 95812-4015
A: No, full remittance of the total amount due is required at quarterly deadlines.
FAC section 12843 says in part “For any delinquency in making a return, or any deficiency in payment, the director shall add to the delinquent payment a penalty of 10 percent of the amount that is due.”
A: Refund requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The 2.3% service fee on the transaction amount is retained by the credit card processing vendor and is nonrefundable. Refunds will be given only by check and can take up to 45 days for processing from time of approval.
If you have any questions regarding the refund of a paid bill, please contact the Mill Office at (916) 445-4159 or millassessment@cdpr.ca.gov.
Mill - A “mill” is one-tenth of a cent.
Mill Assessment - A fee assessed on all pesticide product sales in California. It is 21 mills, or 2.1 cents per dollar of sales. It is collected quarterly, and is assessed at the point of first sale into or within California.
MillPay - The online reporting system for the collection of California’s Mill and corresponding data of pesticide sales in the state.
Reporter / Stakeholder - A Registrant, Broker, Dealer or Designated Agent responsible for reporting a California Mill Assessment.
Registrant - Companies with pesticide products registered with the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) for sale in California.
Licensee - Dealer or Broker Licensed with the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) to sell pesticide products in California.
Dealer - Person, manufacturer, distributor, or retailer who “sells agricultural use pesticide products, methods, and devices for the control of agricultural pests” or “solicits pest control sales through recommendations made by your field representatives” or “sells restricted use pesticide products to users.”
Broker - First to sell, offer to sell, distribute or bring into California for sale any pesticide product. A broker is not a licensed pest control dealer or a registrant.
Designated Agent - Person or Agency (sometimes called a Consultant) authorized by a company to manage that company’s account including processing renewals, filing reports, making payments and managing license information.
Incomplete - Status representing that your report has not been filled out and/or submitted.
Received - Status representing that your report has been submitted, but is awaiting review by Mill Staff. Reviews may be performed due to errors, omissions or pending payment.
Past Due - Status representing that your report has not been filled out and/or submitted and is past its filing due date.
Completed - Status representing that you submitted your report and it was accepted.
(B) Blank Report - Form Icon representing a blank PDF of the report for download or printing.
(P) Products Report - Form Icon representing a PDF of the report with any product and contact information you have saved thus far for download or printing.
(C) Completed Report - Form Icon representing a PDF of your completed report with your product, quantity, sales and contact information for download or printing.
(A) Amended Report - Form Icon representing a PDF of your completed report with your product, quantity, sales and contact information for download or printing and including an Amendment notation. Print this report when making any amendments to a submitted report.
A: DPR’s Mill Office can be reached by phone at (916) 445-4159 or by email at millpay@cdpr.ca.gov. Mill staff is available from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday, except California state holidays.